What You Can Do
Once in awhile the curtain of life gets peeled back and we are able to see things more as they are not as they have appeared to us. It’s an important spiritual opportunity that shouldn’t go by the waste side. Even if we see things
with great clarity, a great tragedy like the loss of a 12 year old life will help us open up the heart and soul of others who are blocked from seeing truth and reality.
As many of you know, my wife and I lost our precious daughter, Shoshana
Rachel bat Elimelech, a few weeks ago in Boca Raton A’H. We have
greatly appreciated your outpouring of love; letters, texts, emails,
cards, dinners, visits etc. - they have immensely comforted our families.
Many have asked ‘what can you do”- I have a suggestion. An enormous amount of insight, inspired thoughts, many people taking upon themselves commitments of Torah study, Mitzvoth and acts of Chesed (kindness) has moved so
many in the direction of Hashem and his Torah as an aliyas Neshama for
my daughter. It is what gets us up in the morning, to shuffle one foot
in front of the other, to brush our teeth and go on with another day.
Our nourishment and fuel.
Please go to www.shoshiestern.com
, hit on “Facebook” and join the community of those who are reading
some posts, articles, hespedim etc and taking upon themselves something
even small. Rabbi Paysach Krohn spoke here of how to cope with this
tragedy and suggested we say Berachos out loud in Shoshie’s merit.
That is what our family is doing. He explained that the gematria of Amen
is Malach. Who can’t use more of those in our lives. But anyone is
encouraged to do anything that makes sense to them.
Thank you, thank you and thank you
Mike and Denise Stern
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