"The beginning of wisdom is the fear of Hashem" - This could be the
most important piece of Torah there is to understand and integrate what
this means. The aspect that I mentioned in last post of now having "a
moment to moment heightened awareness of life and a realization of each
moments becoming an opportunity to reflect greatness is such a fear of
Hashem. Life is unfolding in a slower way - The difference between your
raft being swept away in a white water torrent of fast-swishing water
and before you know it you are some place down stream (how did I get
over here ..... only to be overtaken by another torrent taking you some
place else) and learning that you can guide your raft a little more
slowly down the stream, see the beauty on the river banks, smile at your
children, say I love you to your wife as you gently find a lane outside
of the current.
The word fear in Hebrew is related to another
word in Hebrew "to see". When one sees - what really is - seeing
becomes seeing. Seeing things as they truly are not as a prism from
within the prison of your mind that filters everything through your own
insecurities, vulnerabilities, poor character traits, lower than desired
inclinations, proclivities, tendencies and habits. You see we are more
often stuck in our minds - not in life. More often occupied with the
chatter in our heads, clamoring for your attention, begging for you to
solve all of your problems resulting from this low consciousness that is
a parasite invading your well-being. So often we are primarily drawn,
stuck to see ourselves through this prism of low: esteem, self worth and
Certainly what doesn't help are our outer eyes that
are searching for remedy and relief and see a world around them
championing everything that you see yourself as not having. Our
perceptions are usurped by believing what others say and portray and of
course look at ourselves as absent in those areas. Talk about the big
lie! Our outer eyes see beauty, perfection, sexiness, success,
recognition, approval, validation, affirmation and wealth that we don't
have and form an inner sense of comparison that bribes us, prejudices
our perceptions and directs us towards inventing a new you -flipping
ourselves inside out -creating an outer persona that accomplishes all
that you are not and unfortunately one that takes you further and
further away from yourself. One day you will wake up and find yourself
way down-stream in a raft that the white-waters wished you away to a
destination you never intended to go.
Unfortunately, we often
don't see things as they are but what are low consciousness filled with
our insecurities wishes us to see. The Torah teaches us that we don't
see reality so easy as it exhorts us to study the most simple concepts
on a day to day basis like " Who is the wise one, the rich one, the
strong one and the most honored one"? Well if we go as to how society
implores us to live and what is venerated we would answer these
questions as: the one who is extremely intelligent who has amassed a lot
of worldly knowledge and has great analytical skills, the one who has
physically perfected their bodies (you can come to Boca to see this),
the wealthy and famous. )I mean don't we know more about Lindsay Lohan
than our cousins? Yeah we all know the right answers that the Torah
gives us - The one who is wise is the one who learns from literally
everyone, the one who is strong is the one who masters their self
control in steering away from their negative and less desirable
inclinations (like critically judging everyone and everything
unfavorably) , the one who is wealthy is the one who is satisfied with
and enjoys what they have and the honored one is the one who honors
others. Life appears one way but in reality first glances aren't true -
as it says in another teaching "don't look at the jug, look at what is
in it" - it's teaching us that life presents itself as the jug, we have
to learn to look beyond it.
Getting Out of the Trap!
are not necessarily your thoughts - not necessarily your racing and busy
mind. So often your thoughts are like "people's magazine" being
delivered to your door step and seems at that moment the only available
reading material. Beginning to realize that the content of your thoughts
might be skewing the truth of what you are seeing. You are pure
consciousness, awareness and free will all rolled as one that is your
inner identity way beyond and deeper than your thoughts. At times it
doesn't appear that way as we embody our thoughts like gloves on our
hands in the Wisconsin winter. (personal experience)- Gee just where do
all of these thoughts particularly the ones that skew reality and
accentuate my insecurities come from anyway? (another time for this
question)- Jut knowing that we are not our thoughts could be the most
important realization and skill that one could develop. Opening the door
on one side of the house, letting Mr. thought in and all of his
hooligans and running quickly to open the door on the other side of the
house and letting these rushing, running, urgent, impetuous, thoughts
out the other door. I am master of myself and if I can recognize an
unhealthy path of thoughts I can pull myself back ever so slightly so as
not to find myself all the way down stream in an unproductive,
unhealthy place. If I am so drawn.
A lower level of fear of
God - is seeing God's world accurately, not necessarily relating to him
in any way but seeing things are they are not what we wish them to be.
One of the deepest lessons we can learn about life and manifestation of a
low level of fear of God is coming to terms with the true nature of
consequences. One readily learns it experimentally in the physical realm
- eat too many jelly beans -you get a big stomach ache. Don't exercise,
eat what and when you want- get fat-don't pay attention in school, go
out week nights and don't study -bad grades. On a deeper level the true
quality of greatness, meaning and purpose that we year for and acquire
in our lives will be totally dependent upon understanding life
accurately and seeing exactly what we need to do , say and live in order
to acquire what we truly want for ourselves.
I actually have
to go so I will just finish up quickly. Shoshie's death has catapulted
Denise and I into a realm of seeing - real seeing. A tragic event like
this brings home the idea of true consequences like nothing else could
or can. The preciousness of each moment of life has become apparent -
life is now out of the quickly rushing stream taking us no-where. Life
is a moment to moment unfolding opportunity to create meaning and
purpose in this world. We are out of our heads and into life. Being
real with how our present actions of today will create a big, giant
tapestry of what future picture of what our lives added up to will be
shown to us at the end of our lives and beyond in the next world is the
epitome of seeing consequences - And it is that wisdom (the one who sees
how his actions will be born out in the future) which creates moment to
moment alertness in one's life. Life is slowing down, we are not our
thoughts, we are focused on the ball and want to create the biggest
difference we can with our lives (elui nishmat shoshana rachel ben harav
One can't help to be swept away by a stream- just
know the dynamic and you will eventually in a graceful way steer
yourself out of it. Don't believe everything you see at first glance,
check it out- you don't like it? open the door- if it was really
compelling come back later when you feel better and examine the
distressing and alarming content. Let's talk more another time - time to
go to Bais Yakov carpool and later this morning there will be an
assembly announcing a program that will be named in Shoshies honor -love
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