Thursday, September 12, 2013

Paying C.O.D or Credit –Which do you prefer?

The difference between paying C.O.D and credit is the same as the difference
Between Hashem’s mercy and judgment.  A mistake we make (a sin) is like
taking something out of a supermarket –eventually we have to pay for the item.
Hashem’s strict judgment would mean that for any inappropriate, illicit pleasure
we take, comfort driven choices etc-we would have to pay for it immediately (C.O.D)
Hashem couldn’t absorb the mistake and would demand payment now. Thank Gd
God’s Mercy is when we don’t have to pay right away-he absorbs the sin.

Our problem is a frequent one experienced by families who have “shoppers” in them
(most of us do) – All month, you buy this, buy that –without a lot of thought of
whether you really have the money to buy them. Mind you – you are not rich-you
are going to get a statement at the end of the month-you owe $ -

When you go to a store- (think Costco) you eventually have to check out and pay.
Life seems sometimes like a hotel mini bar –you get so excited- you lose your perspective
You open the mini bar -Wow – a cold beer from Germany – I don’t have to go downstairs
To the Korean market – M & M’s yum I love those – hey a picture of big juicy Hamburger
and fries (a sign that says “Just dial 7” – Another sign says “tonight’s feature”- one of the
latest movies – right here on your T.V in the comfy hotel room.

A couple days later you go to check out- “Whaaaaaaaaaattttttt” How much? $600?
How about $287 (the amount that you thought in your mind. They go over the bill
with you. $5.99 for M&M’s? That same bag is maybe $1.09 – Had I known I would
never have took them. $ 27.50 for the Hamburger meal? I didn’t even love it-Oy it
wasn’t worth it. What $9 for a beer? I could have gone downstairs and bought it.

Why do people sin? Illusion- Madison avenue, T.V, Society itself tells you that you to buy things
to be happy, successful and secure. No-one wants to feel poor or a loser. And you don’t have x,y,z
or you don’t consume x,y,z – you are just not making it. One can feel totally insecure  if you don’t
have, if you don’t buy if you don’t eat.

Buy this! Eat this! Own this! Drive in this! Wear (or don’t wear) this– and…….
All your problems go away. So often momentary – immediate comfort –(mini-bar instant gratification)

Wait until you see the bill – what it really cost you –
What it costs you in: keeping your integrity, possessing yourself, keeping focused
on your goal, living with your true values, priorities, and dreams, robbing you of self worth,
value and esteem.

Yom Kippur we got o pay our bill!

Thank Gd, all the days from Rosh Hashanah until Yom Kippur are days that we can tell
Hashem who we really are and what we truly want. A time when we can tell Hashem that
That person who bought such and such…. It wasn’t you. Yeah they have you on video camera
But you say that was your twin brother or sister. Hashem accepts it –it works.

In the end of the day-Hashem just wants us to be real with our bill - Yeah you are the one
That ordered that- you are the one who did that – We got to pay for everything – But -Baruch
Hashem- sometimes lets us pay with insights, realizations and understanding –
Let’s us become new people on Y.K not the one’s with short-sighted choices- Let us and Hashem
Not even recognize that person on the tape.

Let him keep the credit card-

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