Monday, September 16, 2013

NCSY-Boca Sept 15th - Orly Ohayon -Rabbi Mike

Yes…..We are totally sick to our stomachs  ………with this tragic accident resulting in the loss of Mrs Esther Ohayon and leaving Orly  critical condition – as an orphan All of us are reeling ……..from this devastating blow to Orly, Esther’s family, the Ohayon families, friends, co-workers,

The Jewish communities of Jacksonville, Boca, ourselves, and all those directly connected to this tragedy as well as and all of Klal Yisroel. It absolutely hurts so much, so painful when things like these occur …. Oy……to a girl and family like this ….. so good

Especially when so many of us, so many people are so connected to this family that we see so much beauty in them  We Grieve – We are so vulnerable – if it happens to people like these……Jittery, nervous, …….what is going to happen next?

So many real and challenging questions come to mind – you know the ones that Rabbi’s have to respond “that God says your thoughts are not my thoughts” So many conscious questions right in front of our faces …….and so many subconscious questions forming as skeletons in psyches

But -Nevertheless, although these questions must be asked and faced….the truth is …. Is that now is not the time to try to address these very real & important big questions -That are indeed are critical and essential for our personal relationship with God and our Avodas Hashem

Not now, when our heads are filled with such confusion; we are bewildered upset, weary from one tragic event after another -At a time like this our heads are like those plastic dome shaped winter wonderlands they sell in Manhattan around x-mas time  – you shake them, snow is flying everywhere, visibility zero-all you can see is the snow

We have to let the snow settle – let our mind settle -so we can see- clearly – get to a calm place – Tonight we find ourselves in the middle of a war…joined all together tonight in the firing lines

When the Israeli troops have already entered the firing lines in Gaza to face Hamas that is not the time for questions like why are in this war, what are we trying to accomplish

When it’s time to fight  -it’s time to rely on your basic training, your commanders, the foundation that your families gave you, upon the shoulders of prior generations

These were the absolute keys for my wife and myself in dealing with the loss of Shoshie a’h – our training in Yeshiva, Our Rabbi’s, our families –the jewish people
We couldn’t think –not in the midst of the battle of dealing with the tragedy of Shoshie’s loss

At times like these we need to hop onto the shoulders of generations upon generations of the Jewish people- spanning thousands of years -Who while facing a long history of great tragedies – inevitably met the challenges of continuing to see God’s goodness, God’s love, God’s continued direct guiding hand and personal involvement in our lives despite everything that has happened throughout our history

Yes, it is true that in order to be positive, move forward and to do something constructive, we need to form a bit of perspective, to seek understanding, a way to think about it, and a measure of comfort but all for the sake of

Responding and being helpful to Orly or anyone facing illness, crises at this time in an effective, helpful and intelligent way. In a way calm way. We need to do this for ourselves too 

Note! Shema Yisroel Hashem Elokainu Hashem Echad! Teache us that Hashem is 1- Hashem is all –there is nothing that doesn’t exist within
Gd at every given moment. Even us –moment to moment-every breath. God continues to give us life-every moment in a completely loving selfless, altruistic loving way.

Yet the paradox of all paradoxes -God has placed us a world of concealment – a darkness – it’s the worlds –hide and go seek game – where we have to find (illuminate)god within the world of the mundane, ordinary and ho-hum everyday existence.

It is precisely a time like this, a tragedy – where the curtain that normally conceals the day to day ho-hum of existence of life is exposed and day to day mundane life is exposed as a shallow replica of real “life”-ho-hum existence is s pushed aside –

We are faced with real life - And we are left with this overwhelming dread that makes us totally alive in every way, more awake than ever, God doesn’t seem to be absent right now but seems to be is more present at a time like this demanding us to find and strive for meaning, significance and truth

I found the problem through Shoshie’s Petira not to be not “Where is god”? – But god is in my face –like a fish who hadn’t known that he was he was ever in water –but all of sudden taken out to dry land. Realizing that every second depends upon water

God is challenging us through this tragedy to not only further define “life”, our lives, and what is life all about? But challenges us to develop -a God consciousness that permeates our entire lives and leaves us with the clarity- that we must respond with light, love, laughter, goodness, compassion, mercy, righteousness, -Fight God’s fight

All of darkness, wrong, falsehood, evil – all exist only for us to choose to stand up to it, fight it -push it aside- We are here to choose life.
God has all of our attention – what do you want to do? It’s a shame that such innocence has to be challenged at such an early age but it seems like that is the plan
We know what can help Orly, Mrs Ohayon – Tzeduckah, Chesed, & Torah – but 1 step at a time

Those who want to be there for Orly – and other families who have other major challenges such as illness – I can say that from our experience-
To be there but don’t be there – don’t ask what you can do – just be around and ask if you can be helpful –

Don’t say too much – wait for the person’s lead – see if they want to talk, see what they want to talk about, how much they want to talk-Don’t pity show support- I’m so proud to be a part of all of you

Joy will never let us down- it is when we are at our best- we can help the most

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