Rabbi Without Walls - A Judaism Revolution -Part 2
The Genesis of Rabbi Without Walls -My Own Experience
Often a Jewish organization whose primary goal is to help a person grow in their Judaism is often compromised by the time, effort and expense involved in fundraising, operations, building maintenance, meetings and the logistics of running programs and services.
There is often few, precious time left over to nurture the relationship (customer) and give them what they truly need emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually to grow in Torah.
In my own experiences, I worked with an outreach organization that was initially well-funded and for the first 3 years, we spent about %70 of our time on people. This included: coffee meetings, social visits, Shabbat hospitality, friendship, guidance and advice, bringing meals, Challahs and whatever was needed to further help nurture the relationship and help them to grow.
Our few programs at the time were vehicles to provide the substance for growth but the time in running them were secondary to the “people”. The programs did not completely occupy us and they did not become ends unto themselves with no time left over for the people.
As a result, people grew immeasurably and an entire cadre of growing Jews helped to provide a solid foundation of the growth for an entire community.
As we began to grow and mature as an organization our time significantly shifted from that of personal, individual time and involvement with people to that of the broader demands and needs of a growing and maturing entity.
We became busier and busier and grew to meet the never ending increasing demands of additional programs and services until much of what we were doing was just managing the business of outreach.
Although the shift was normal and necessary, the relationships and growth of individuals were severely compromised and lost. Born was the concept of Rabbi Without Walls
More about what a Rabbi Without Walls Jewish educational Outreach program looks like in part 3
Shabbat Shalom
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