Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Positive Statements - Help Needed

Need Your Thoughts - Your Help

I am dusting off a concept/idea that I hope to be using this year a lot. (more info forthcoming) named "Green" Speech -Words Matter! Taking responsibility for our words.

I have 9 different signs/posters - (Cardboard -thick - put them up in a classroom) focusing on Negative Speech. They are the shapes of traffic signs. ie A stop sign with the words "Stop Unkind Words", a caution traffic sign with the words "Caution use words with care".

I am looking to make signs/posters focusing on Positive Speech.
This is where you come in.

1. What would you say are the top positive statements that you could say to another? One example would be appreciated

2. A design idea would be great. You can't get better than the analogy of traffic signs to convey warnings about gossip, secrets, rumors, unkind words- I need a motif for positive words. Words we should use and say

Thank you in advance

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