is the one essential lesson that we can take away from “Shoshie that can
address us right during the 3 weeks and tish b av.
let’s go back to the original root of the problem of why we are in this mess in
the first place.
Gemara in mesechta Yoma – teaches us that the root cause of our current 2,000
year old exile, the destruction of our Bais Hamikdash
most importantly what has drive Hashem’s presence from our lives was caused by
“baseless hatred, and a lack of Jewish unity
just didn’t’ care enough for each other, respect each other enough, accept,
tolerate and appreciate each other enough.
didn’t love each other enough-We didn’t do enough for each other, we were each
in our own worlds just a little too much.
didn’t realize that our national mission and a national responsibility of being
a light unto the nations – and that begins with ourselves of how we treat one
a light unto the other nations starts with being a light unto ourselves, a
light to each other
we understand that “love” is all there is –When we are united together –Jewish Unity
is where it is at!
Chofetz Chaim teaches us that - - - that
which exiled us, if not corrected -------is preventing us from the bringing Moshiach, the
redemption and God’s Presence.
So what is one thing about Shoshie’s life that can
inspire us at this time to bring back all that was lost?
And even deeper what’s the very same that Hashem
wanted us to focus on as a result of Shoshie’s Petira. Let’s work our way back!
It is not a coincidence that Shoshie left this
world during time of Sefirah.
The time
period between the 2nd night of Pesach- and we count 50 days until
These days are days of mourning – We don’t listen
to music, get haircuts, get married – Why?
We remember and mourn the loss of 24,000 of Rebbe
Akiva’s students
The gemara tells us the cause of their calamity
was she’lo nahagu kavod zeh la’zeh, they simply didn’t show enough respect to
one another as much as was expected of them
They didn’t value each other as much as they
could - the unique and special Neshama inherit in every person.
Shoshie Petira at this time was meant to point us
in this direction of how we respect, appreciate and love one another –
Baseless Love-Jewish Unity the remedy for
Baseless hatred.
Shoshie appreciated others- She saw others for
who they truly were in a very simple, uncomplicated and pure way
And In that way, even just as a 12 years old, our
daughter “Shoshie got it”. She embodied what life is all about and if we
take her lead, it will lead us back.
What did
Shoshie get exactly? – To affirm, validate, respect and treasure
every person we meet.
And that every individual is created b’tzelem
Elokim and therefore there is something to love in everyone and that they are
worthy of love.
In a world where so many people tend to criticize,
marginalize, condemn, and gossip about others And thereby trying to lift
themselves up by putting others down
For Shoshie: It didn’t matter how: popular you
were, pretty, what school you went to,
Which side of the tracks that you lived, how high
or low the skirt was , whether or not
the neckline was covered,
To her-there was “no other” - More specifically-
She went to Bais Yakov (considered to the “right”), had her bat Mitzvah program with the Hillel girls (more to
the left),
Tons of friends on Montoya circle (more modern) ,
Camp Gan Izzy brought her friendship Chabad families and public school girls
Do you know who came to pay their respects at the
Shiva all of whom met Shoshie personally?
The A.C guy from Israel - Howie the bug guy
The UPS guy - The Gardener
Shoshie got what many fail to get in their life
We can do this too! Shoshie wasn’t a Burrough
Park girl, completely pure, sheltered, aidle,
quiet, girl from an artscroll book- and god forbid there is nothing wrong with
that –
But Shoshie was a “normal” girl –shopping,
instagram, skate-boarding, competitive, a girly girl in many ways painted toes,
nails - If Shoshie can do it we can do it
Yet, without even realizing it, at 12 years old
Shoshie understood what life is all about. It wasn’t hard for her at all
Let’s finish up
Let’s be real when we daven – every day- 3 times
a day –Live behind the curtain
Hashem “Gather our exiles from the four corners
of the earth, to our land
“May you speedily cause the offspring of your
servant to flourish (Moshiach) – We hope for your salvation all the day
“And to Yerushalayim, your city, may you return in
compassion, and may you rest within it, as you have spoken., May you rebuild it
soon in our days as an eternal structure
Turn us not away empty handed – be gracious to
us, answer us , hear our prayers
Restore the service to the Holy of Holies of your
May our eyes behold your return to Zion
The we conclude – establish peace, goodness, blessing,
life, graciousness, compassion, kindness upon us and all of your people Israel
Lastly –our lesson and goal - Bless us our father as one – with the light
of your countenance
We have got to be “one” – Jewish Unity and then
Gd willing
Hashem will bless all of us – in every season, in
every hour with Peace
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