Skeletons in our Subconscious -Why Can't trust our thoughts - Part 4
The "sin" of Adam and Eve changed mankind. Before the sin, mankind's
natural inclination was to choose truth. The light of truth was so
clear, so obvious -there wasn't anything else so compelling to choose
but truth. Falsehood was in effect a non-entity. Choices were able to be
seen in an objective light not personal. But everything
changed for Adam, Eve and all of mankind after their sin of eating from
the forbidden tree, the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
The Sforno (A famous Torah commentator) describes what changed for
mankind and their ability to choose as a result from eating from the
tree - a change that would for now on, would intrinsically seem like
more of mankind's "natural" inclination.
The Sforno says that
from now on "our hearts" would be attracted to things that are sweet
and pleasurable despite the fact that they might be not good or damaging
in some for us. " - Particularly in the case of things that promise
immediate gratification. Where as before we would naturally be able to
see the longer range consequences of our immediate choices and as a
result that would give us the ability to gauge whether or not our
immediate choices are actually good for us. Now, something calls us
for immediate gratification and beckons us to choose it despite if it's
really in our best interest. It's convincing and screams to us
impetuosity and compulsion.
Now, in addition to the existing
inclination that was easily able to choose truth, good, right, correct,
mankind would have a competing, additional inner voice, one that had
lain weak and even dormant until now. This additional inclination
would become more attractive, attention grabbing and without any 2nd
thought or deeper reflection, would appear at first glance to make more
sense. This new additional inclination would make truth; harder to focus
on, seem hidden and makes it harder to choose.
This new
competing inclination (force) inside ones self and that makes objective
truth harder to find, I'd like to call "one's desire"
passions of the body) - a force with it's own truth, albeit false, an
unquenchable thirst, a life unto itself, one that necessitates being
fed. This inclination and immediate desires continues to grow in
magnitude according to ones own self importance, ego and self
preoccupation. It promises it's own sense of self fulfillment,
completeness and wholeness. But unfortunately the result of choosing in
this manner will always only net the a counterfeit and illusion of what
it is that you seek.
This force maintains an attraction, drive,
motivation and connection only to the external;, superficial, material
and physical, leaving you wanting for the real thing.
We now
have two competing forces inside, two identities, two voices, vying for
attention, each one promising greatness. Both sides saying that they
only want what is right and good but one voice is connected o
impersonal, objective truth and the other voice albeit argues for the
right motive but in truth it's choices for the sake of one's own self
serving, immediate personal desires and passions.
pernicious is that these voices are mixed up inside and it becomes very
hard to sort out which voice is saying what at any given time. Each side
wants to validate its own existence, presents a lens of self
fulfillment, promises greatness and seeks to complete ones self
The greatest influence of how this new voice addresses itself to you
-with it's false arguments and warped way of seeing things are your
challenging character traits. In Ethics of our fathers it says that
"jealousy, lust (desire and honor) remove a perosn from this world.
(truth and reality) . What does it mean? To the extent that a person
would have challenges in these character development areas would be the
extent that objective truth could become obscured. The result
would/could be "thoughts" that skew your own lens of how you view
things, the situation, your wife, children etc.
In short
(because I have to go now) - is that as a result of Adam and Eve's sin,
an additional inclination (voice) became dominant inside of us, one that
now obscures objective truth and reality and colors our lens of how we
think, view and see things.
This last part is just the
beginning of finally getting to the topic I started out 4 posts ago
which why we can't necessarily trust our thoughts all the time. And
lastly in short, short is that the voice inside often takes more into
consideration from what is going on internally with ones self than
objective truth and reality which we have difficulty seeing.
Be well
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