We remain in darkness. It's not possible for us to fathom how Hashem writes this kind of loss in the script of life. The loss of Shoshie or anyone for that matter, G-d forbid should not be in vain. Please G-d Shoshie's memory should motivate us to live life more as a light to ourselves and others and bring more love, togetherness, fun, peace and genuine brotherhood amongst all of us- no matter, what school we go to, what Shul we daven in, how frum we perform our Mitzvot, how snius our clothing is, how popular, beautiful and "in" someone is.
Shoshie saw you- not something about you. She loved you.....not something about you. She was in the moment - oh so engaged in life-so much fun -so full of radiance, joy so there -----Her presence is oh so missing. A hole that can't be filled, patched by anyone or anything. We need to fill it -the way Shoshie would fill it.
Do something that is full of "life" today with someone you love - even something simple- Get the big size Slurpee, Make Chinese noodles with the peanut butter sauce, fill your entire mouth with a soup sized spoon of mashed potatoes, throw a dodge ball at 90 MPH in the house at your little brother, skateboard over to the store and go get your mother stuff, stop by your neighbor say hi, drink your older brother's specially hidden Gatorade (then deny it). And if it rains -go play in it
Our love and faith in Hashem hasn't dimmed. We beseech him for insight, understanding and wisdom as to how to move forward. May we see a day where we are reunited with Shoshie in this world and may the world at that time know no more pain, sickness, or anything bad or evil.
Our family thanks you for your love
Please Keep Shoshieing